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Rasaki's Drums (release date 1 June 2024)

Rasaki Adadokun

We will release this half-hour documentary, Rasaki's Drums and the rich rhythms of Nigeria's Yorubá on 1 June 2024. Feauring an interview and drumming demontrations by master drummer Rasaki Aladokun of Nigeria, it is enriched by material filmed in that country. Due to the important influence Yorubá culture has had in America over the centuries, the documentary will not only appeal to those interested in West African music but also to African Americans whose ancestors come from that region.

The documentary also illustrates that Africa is a large and very diverse continent, with many positive aspects. Rasaki himself, who now lives in California, is something of a celebrity, having toured for years with the band of King Sunny Adé, known as the "King of Juju Music." As a result, this is a title that will do well in any setting in which there is a large African American population, or an important music school.

Our price (DVD) is $150 (plus S&L; CA residents pay sales tax); reserve a copy now for a 20% discount. Once we have released the documentary, we will also make it available for download plus it will be carred by our distributors which include Midwest Tape, Films Media Group, and Alexander Street Press.

...OR GO

And for the Future

We expect to complete a second episode in this series by the end of 2024. It will be about Afro-Peruvian percussion instruments (especially as seen through the talented Peta Robles) and show how one of these instruments has now entered world music in a big way.

And our hope is after this second episode, we'll be able to create episodes about Celtic, southern Indian, and Mexican percussion instruments, each time looking for what makes them distinctive in their community and in the world.


Palomino Productions
P.O. Box 8565
Berkeley, CA., 94707, USA
or via e-mail: